You are here: Purchasing > Goods Received Notes > Warehouse Receiving > Warehouse Receive Inwards

Warehouse Receive Inwards

The header details the current status of the transfer, the warehouses involved and the source warehouse outwards form. The form also displays any other inwards forms linked to the source warehouse outward form – i.e. multiple inwards to one outwards form. The Transfer Date is not editable but the received date is and is the date that is used the General Ledger and stock movements.

Field Description
Receive No Automatically created on save and is controlled by the form System > System Numbers, Warehouse Receive No
From Warehouse Automatically populated and cannot be edited - source warehouse
To Warehouse Automatically populated and cannot be edited
In Transit Automatically populated and cannot be edited
Created By Automatically populated and cannot be edited with the user name of the person who created the outwards form
Source No. Displays the Warehouse Transfer Outwards number – cannot be edited . Drill down is available on this field
Picked By Automatically populated and cannot be edited with the user name of the person who picked and activated the outwards form
Transfer Date Automatically populated and cannot be edited
Receive Date Can be edited and it the date used to update the General Ledger and stock records
Receive-Ins Displays the Warehouse Receive In form(s) that recorded the stock received in linked to this warehouse transfer outwards form – i.e. multiple inwards forms can be used to received stock sent on one transfers outward form
Transfer No The source warehouse transfer outwards form number


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